Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lincoln's election.

Today I found out that Abraham Lincoln was elected. If I were to say this is troubling, I would be making a grave understatement. The possible repercussions of this event are huge. The union is in such a state of distress. So many interests are screaming to be heard, and each side is ignorant of the other's desires. I can only hope this transition of power will be smooth. Perhaps Lincoln will be sage enough to create compromises that are fair to both the north and the south.

I cannot help but worry. My position as a general commanding a large force called the Department of Texas involves me. I do not wish to see my men dying over one man's failed leadership. While I am against slavery and succession, I am not too unwise to realize the devastation it could cause for the south. I am a Virginian first and an American second. I love my family and they are who I will protect with my life. If succeeding and fighting the north is what it takes to secure their interests I will do so without a moments notice.




  1. I have the utmost confidence that President Lincoln will do this nation some good. It is not President Lincoln who may cause the problems I fear, General Lee, but the source would most likely come from the South. Disapproval over the election of President Lincoln has cause quite a stir in Louisiana, there has even been talk of secession! I pray that we will not be on differing sides.

  2. President Lincoln's inauguration will be an uprising for the North and create a boundary between the North and South for certain. I hope that you can see the good side in this election and not side that you speak of. The South is very hostile towards even talk of abolishing slavery. I hope that you are not like the other southerners. God bless you Robert E. Lee.

  3. I agree that President Lincoln could, in fact, ease tensions between the north and south of our country. However, if he alienates the south, like I fear he will, war is inevitable.

  4. Good evening Robert. I suspect you did not mean me concerning bad leadership. As you can see, I am now the President of the United States. I am the leader of the American people. They have voted me to be their President because of my GREAT leadership skills. Do not undermine my skills Lee. America will not separate as long as I am the President.
